Frost Science Museum

The Frost Science Museum in Miami is the latest addition to its growing Museum Park, which is an attempt to be as cosmopolitan as other major cities. Its original location was shut down in order to move it to its new spot in the park, and while it's a little rough around the edges still, it's nice to have it back.

The highlight of the museum by far is its aquarium, from which I took most of these fotos. Some have a chrome filter applied, others do not, depending on what pleased me. I'm kind of on the fence about whether using filters is OK. I think for personal fotos, I'm fine going with whatever gives me the look I want. When taking fotos for other people (and any paid work), I either offer both filtered and unfiltered, or just unfiltered, since mimicking film stock isn't for everyone. Anyway, enjoy the fotos!

One of several views into the big tank. Love the way the light creates contrast on my lovely girlfriend's face.

The main viewing area for the big tank. Not a lot of fish, but we were able to catch a hammerhead in the frame. Thanks to the stranger who insisted on staying in manual mode. He knew his stuff!
This is that same main viewing area, from afar. I thought it was a neat design.
The reef tanks are a little further along than the main tank, as you can see.
The way rays swim is fascinating to observe. This was actually a touch tank, where you could touch their fins.
Not sure what this fish is, but loved the way he was reflected on the surface of the water.
Clownfish in a sea anemone.
Some creepy cephalopod facts for ya.

They were not meant to be.

Cnidarians can be beautiful.
