Keep an open mind...

I love shooting either in the city, where the buildings and the art (legal and illegal) make things interesting. It's also fun to shoot in places remote enough to find interesting plants and wildlife. Miramar, Fl, is neither of these things. It's a suburb filled with cookie-cutter houses in gated communities and strip malls with chain restaurants. I didn't expect much out of an evening stroll with my girlfriend and favorite model (who are the same person, to be clear). Boy, was I wrong. Exploring the weirder corners of the area as the sun went down led to some pleasing shots, taking advantage of interesting lighting. I'm also getting more confident with my camera settings, which leads to much less editing. None of these photos have been edited beyond a little cropping and straightening out.

I was surprised to find that there are still a few houses left from a time before there was even a suburb.

Florida is prone to flat, swampy landscapes like this, but that means plenty of sky in which to enjoy the setting sun.

My muse for the evening.

The evening was good practice for me. Love everything about this foto except maybe the background, but there is no perfect foto.
This shot would be difficult to get in auto mode. Correctly exposing the sky leads to silhouetting of the foreground, which I like. 

Sometimes, interesting lighting and perspective can make the mundane seem beautiful, as in this shot of some power lines and trees.

I-75 at night. Propped my elbows on the railing (didn't have a tripod), set the shutter speed to 1/5, and let 'er rip.
