You Don't Always Win

Not having a lot of time for shooting fotos today, I decided to try and get some fotos of a small bird's nest in the yard. I pretty much failed at it. At first, I tried to shoot from the ground, but I couldn't find an angle from which the nest was clear. It was always partly obscured by the branches of the tree. I suspect this was by design.

The nest is visible, but indistinct.
When I wasn't able to get the shot I wanted, I grabbed a ladder and tried to shoot from above. I discovered that the nest had eggs in it. A quick google search confirms that they're mockingbird eggs.

There's an egg just barely visible in the upper left quadrant of the foto. If you don't see it, you'll just have to take my word for it.

A closer look makes the egg more clear, but not much more clear, unfortunately.
At this point, two mockingbirds started circling and screeching, which I assumed was their way of warning me that I'd disturbed the nest quite enough, thankyewverymuch. So, I didn't get a clear shot of either nest or eggs, and had to beat a hasty retreat. Oh, well. You win some, you lose some, or something like that.
